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Wednesday, 08 January 2020 21:06

American Jews should pay attention to reality... It could happen again

Written by Fred Weinberg
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I am not what you would call an observant Jew.


But, being a baby boomer, I received the full Sunday School treatment from my parents and got, in those 10 years, what would probably be today an advanced degree in Judaism and the history of the Jews. 


And I got from my late Father, a World War II Navy veteran, a firm connection to one of the darkest periods of our modern world’s history.


Additionally, I met a distant cousin who the Allies liberated from Auschwitz and, subsequently, moved to the United States.


The impact on a young boy of seeing a serial number tattooed on a forearm cannot be underestimated.


For those of you Jews who have no real connection to World War Two and the Holocaust, you are making a huge mistake by merely assuming it could never happen again and certainly not in the United States.


Understand this:


The Holocaust was NOT played out on a Hollywood sound stage.  If you think it was, you are even dumber than the Germans who allowed it to happen.  It happened.


The First Amendment is a beautiful thing.  But what keeps us safe from the excesses of the First Amendment is the Second.  And who wants to take away our guns? Germany didn’t have a Second Amendment and the first thing Hitler did when he came to power is to remove private gun ownership but thankfully, here in America, we are pretty well armed.


West of the Hudson River, East of the Los Angeles County line and South of the Cook County line is a whole nation which is totally unwilling to give up our second Amendment rights.


And, I’m guessing that most of Israel’s support comes from that same large area.


Israel was established with the concept that Jews should have a homeland where another Holocaust could NEVER happen.  They became fierce warriors to insure that.


For some reason, the farther people get from an event like the Holocaust the less they are concerned with the consequences.


 As for Iranian retaliation, that’s what happens when a Little League team takes on the Yankees.  The truth is that one button levels Tehran.  Another can level the Quds force.


And that’s before Israel gets involved.


Iran has plenty of American blood on its hands.  It seems only fair to make it pay.




Fred Weinberg is a guest columnist and the CEO of USA Radio Network. His views and opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of GCN. Fred's weekly column can be read all over the internet. You can subscribe at This is an edited version of his column, reprinted with permission. 

Last modified on Wednesday, 08 January 2020 21:15