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Friday, 27 December 2019 00:04

Easy and practical New Year’s Resolutions

Written by Dr. Daliah Wachs
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Updated 12/17/19

Nothing is more of a buzz kill, enjoying the biggest party of the year, than the discussion of New Year’s Resolutions. Let’s be honest ...what are these resolutions anyway? They’re a promise to do the right thing in exchange for no one nagging us while we abuse ourselves over the holidays. So it’s no wonder most New Year’s resolutions fail. If your heart’s not it and if the goals aren’t realistic, resolutions won’t be met. 

Moreover we wait until January 2nd to give up smoking, or sweets, and struggle as we are returning from vacation and need to hit our work schedule head on.  So I suggest starting your healthy habits during your holiday vacation week(s) where you can go through withdrawal or be grumpy without the boss seeing.  The resolutions may stick longer and they will be easier to do once the new work week/year begins.

The most common (and commonly failed) New Year’s Resolutions are:

  1. To lose weight
  2. To stop smoking
  3. To drink less
  4. To make more money
  5. To spend more time with family
  6. To perform better at work
  7. To save more money
  8. To eat healthier
  9. To go to church/temple more often
  10. Get a boyfriend/girlfriend
  11. Spend less time on the internet/smartphone
  12. To watch less porn

Look how general and insurmountable some of these can be.  They’re too broad and if these were easy to do, you would already be accomplishing them.

So which New Year’s Resolutions can be practical and attainable?

Choose easy, finite, small discreet steps.  You’ll feel better since they are easier to accomplish.


  • Drink more water
  • Call your mother once a week – sorry, sorry, how about once a month…  better?
  • Lose 5 pounds in January.  Then try to lose 5 lbs in February…
  • Eat more vegetables
  • Take $20 a paycheck and put into savings
  • Make 7 pm – 8 pm playtime with the kids
  • Walk 10 minutes a day in January.  In February bring it up to 15 minutes, and so on
  • Plan the third Saturday of the month to be date night with your spouse
  • Go to church/temple more often – no shortcuts here
  • Put out each cigarette after 1-2 puffs
  • Check your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc
  • Make an appointment for a physical
  • Plan a mid year vacation
  • Organize your desk at work
  • Walk the dog for an extra half hour on Sundays
  • Limit computer/phone time to 1 hour a day


The list goes on.  But you see how making small, baby goals can build on themselves to the point where you will lose weight, eat healthier, save more money, preserve your relationship, perform better at work, etc.

Oh, I forgot one last important New Years Resolution ...listen to more stimulating medical talk radio.  Tee-hee…..

Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year!!!


Daliah Wachs is a guest contributor to GCN news, her views and opinions, medical or otherwise, are her own. Doctor Wachs is an MD,  FAAFP and a Board Certified Family Physician.  The Dr. Daliah Show , is nationally syndicated M-F from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm and Saturday from Noon-1:00 pm (all central times) at GCN.