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Sunday, 03 November 2019 23:20

Gun grabbers: Trick & Lure - “Trump wants to make a deal” And it's not good! (A letter you must read)

Written by Bradlee Dean
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“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.” –Adolph Hitler

Recently, I received in the mail a letter from a gun advocate group stating that Trump is getting bad advice and says he wants to “make a deal” with gun grabbers (1 Samuel 13:22).

It would do well for this president to remember the promises that he has made concerning the right to bear arms which is found in the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights, as well as the oath that he swore when it came to law-abiding gun owners in this country.

The letter stated that so-called “universal background checks,” “Red flag” laws and mandatory “buy-back” schemes are all building blocks upon which the lawless criminal politicians will take your guns, or even worse, will jail those that resist.

Step One: “Universal background checks” require virtually EVERY gun transfer to be approved by the government, giving the federal government the opportunity to compile a list of every gun owner and what firearms they own.

Step Two: “Red flag” schemes let gun-grabbers personally target gun owners for surprise “shoot first, ask questions later” raids; and politically active gun owners will be the first ones affected.

Step Three: The mandatory “buy back” program IS the final step in gun confiscation! By calling it a ‘buy back” they make the program seem voluntary, but Americans who refuse to “sell” their guns will be ordered arrested.

The letter states put them together, and you have what we have repeatedly seen through history- registration and tracking of gun owners, followed by door-to-door confiscation and imprisonment of those who dissent.

And all of this is in direct and stark contrast with what our American forefathers established in arming their posterity (Luke 11:21-22).

“Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the people's liberty teeth.” -President George Washington



Bradlee Dean is a guest contributor to GCN news. His views and opinions are his own and do not reflect the views and opinions of the Genesis Communication Network. Bradlee's radio program, The Sons of Liberty, broadcasts live M - Sat here at GCN. This is an edited version of an op-ed originally published by Sons of Liberty Media at Reprinted with permission. 

Last modified on Sunday, 03 November 2019 23:25